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from Protum Services

Signs of woodworm usually consist of holes in the wooden item, with live infestations showing powder (faeces) around the holes. The size of the also be found in the summer months. Typically the adult beetles lay eggs on, or just under the surface of, a wooden item. The resulting grubs then feed on the wooden item causing both structural and cosmetic damage, before pupating and hatching as beetles which then breed, lay eggs, and repeat the process causing further damage. As the beetles evolved consuming dead wood in various forest habitats, most grubs, if not all, typically require that the wooden item contain a higher moisture content than is normally found in wooden items in a typical home. A building with a woodworm problem in the structure or furniture may sometimes also have a problem with excess damp. The issue could be be lack of ventilation in a roof space, cellar or other enclosed space within an otherwise dry building.
If your property is showing signs of woodworm, please contact Protum Services’ so we can talk through the problem and arrange a survey. All our fungi and insectisides come with a 1hour re-entry. |